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Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Measure Your Ring Size Perfectly at Home
Dec 22, 20210This chart will guide you on how to easily determine the ring size perfect for you. Take a tape or even a small piece of string to measure the area that is going to be occupied by the ring. When it forms a complete circle on your finger, take a marker and mark the meeting point on the tape/string. After that compare it with the chart mentioned below. If you want some extra width, then you can add a little bit to accommodate.
There are three common procedures by which you can measure your ring size perfectly at home and get your ring measurement, or even your beloved one ring size.
We do not even need to go out of our homes because of the services we get using the internet. Starting from liking, sharing, With the internet providing us with access to every corner of the globe, we rarely need to leave the comfort of our own homes to run errands, exercise, eat, or do anything else. So, before ordering from the best jewelry stores or hinting to your boyfriend about some unique engagement rings you have had your eye on, you should measure your ring size.
Ring sizes in the United States are measured on a scale of numbers (and half numbers), ranging from ring size 3 to 13.5 for adults. Women rings are typically sized between 3 and 9, while men rings are typically sized between 8 and 14. These units correspond to the width of your finger in millimeters: A ring size 3 fits a 14-millimeter-wide ring finger (or any finger), and the sizes increase from there. In the case of women, the average ring size of the ring ranges from 5 to 7, but it is advisable to get an exact ring measurement before spending a lot of money and heading for a resizing or repair.
Also, measure your ring size at least three to four times because with varying temperatures the size also varies. For example, the site may be less when cold and a bit big when hot.Here are three common and simple methods for measuring your ring size at home—using string, a ring size chart, and a ring sizer—so you can get the right piece of jewelry, whether it is a treat for yourself or a wedding ring.
Procedure No. 1
Step 1:
Make a thin strip out of paper, thread, or fabric.Wrap the thread/paper/fabric around the finger you intend to wear the ring on.
Check that the string is snug but not too tight; make a mark where the paper/thread/fabric meets.
Using your ruler, determine the length of the thread.Finally, use the chart below to determine your ring size.
Procedure No. 2
Another chart that can be used to determine the proper ring size is shown below. Measure the inside diameter of any existing ring which is currently the best fit for the finger you are planning to purchase a ring for. In millimeters, it measures the inside diameter of such a ring. This is typically used to double-check your results from the traditional paper method. Aside from that, you can use the ring you wear every day and compare it to the chart below.
Procedure No. 3
Option three is to purchase your own ring sizer. If you are unsure about using a piece of string or paper to determine your ring size and want to ensure accuracy, a ring sizer tool should be used. Because so many purchases are now made online, we believe it is critical that our customers have the information they need to make the best decision. As a result, we provide a downloadable ring sizer that you can print and use to determine what size you should get. This tool has a gradient of ring sizes that can help you get a more accurate measurement of your finger. If you decide to use the sizing tool, make sure your printout is the correct size. Then, take the sizing tool and cut it out. Wrap the tool around the widest part of your finger, beginning with the flat end (which is the knuckle). Wrap the tool around your finger again and again until they fit is snug. Take a look at where the arrow tip is pointing. Your ring size is the closest number to the arrow point.